Site for members

Members can log in to our "Site for members" with these instructions:

=> When you log in for the first time you need to click Unohditko tai haluatko luoda salasanan? (Did you forget your password or do you want to create a password?)

=> Type your email address into the box and click Lähetä (Send) and you will receive an email with instructions how to create a password. Please note that the email address has to be registered in your contact details in our membership register. The message Käyttäjää ei löytynyt. Ota yhteys sivuston ylläpitoon. means that we don't have the email address entered in our register and you should send us your email address to pumit.ry(a)

=> Please click Vaihda salasana tästä >> on the email you received.

=> Type your password twice and click Vaihda salasana.

Now your password is ready for use and you can log in to our "Site for members".

Käyttäjätunnus = your email address
Salasana = password
Kirjaudu = log in